There are many great resources available on water management and hydraulic fracturing. To get started in understanding water use in hydraulic fracturing, as well as our concerns with the current surface water management system, we recommend reading the following:
Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEPA) and Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Presentation
The AEPA and AER presented to community members at the public meeting for hydraulic fracturing on August 8 at Liberty Hall.
Click here to view the presentation.
Response from Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, as well as the Alberta Energy Regulator to our questions on water management, licensing and policy.
We submitted a list of questions to Alberta Environment and Protected Areas and the Alberta Energy Regulator in the spring of 2024. Here is the response we received in late July.
AEPA answered their questions individually with direct responses. The AER did not respond to any of our individual questions, rather they supplied some general statements.
How to Dispute Temporary Water Diversion Licences (TDLs)
An oil and gas company will apply to AER (Alberta Energy Regulator) for a Temporary Water Diversion Licence for use of freshwater for fracking.
AER will post applications on the Public Notice of Application page, found at:
You have to check the page every 30 days because they can reapply every 30 days. They will list point of diversion and
You can file a statement of concern to the AER within that 30 day period about how that project will directly and adversely affect you or other people in the area, as well as on fish bearing streams.
The AER will then review and approve, deny, or approve with conditions, the application.
You must have documented information to show adverse effects before the AER can cancel the licence.
Get the Facts: Hydraulic Fracturing in the Red Deer River Watershed
This document from the Red Deer River Watershed Alliance is an incredible resource on hydraulic fracturing. Take a read and learn about everything how hydraulic fracturing works to water source trends in the basin.
Blindman Subwatershed
A comprehensive report on the current knowledge and environmental integrity of the Blindman Subwatershed. It was released in 2009 by the Red Deer River Watershed Alliance, as part of their larger State of the Watershed Report.
Report: Identifying Barriers to Water Recycling in Alberta Hydraulic Fracturing
This report discusses the barriers to recycling water in the hydraulic fracturing industry in Alberta.
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